On October 24, 1992 Amtrak and CalTrans added a 4th roundtrip to the San Joaquin route, celebrating the event with an inaugural special between Bakersfield and Oakland the previous day. About to breech the Welcome Banner in Stockton is CDTX B32-CH 501 (later renumbered and relettered to CDTX 2051) pulling the  ubiquitous Horizon Fleet trainset.  On the rear of the special were a pair of business cars that represented the San Joaquin's two host railroads: SP 150 "Sunset" and Santa Fe 52 "Atchison," (seen here earlier in the day at Riverbank). The "Atchison" had just been released from renovation, while the "Sunset" still wore an interior decor that seemed to hail from the 1950s.